Political Leaders Need to Work Together in 2019 to Better Alberta’s Electricity Market

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  • Political Leaders Need to Work Together in 2019 to Better Alberta’s Electricity Market

A lot happened in Alberta’s electricity industry in 2018.

Coal power in the province started to go offline, consumers began to see an uptick in electricity prices, a cap on the Regulated Rate Option for electricity was introduced, plans for Alberta to introduce a capacity market continued to move forward, millions in Carbon tax dollars were handed out under various Energy Efficiency Alberta programs, and much more.

As we head into 2019, there is even more change and possibly hard times on the horizon. Let’s agree on one simple truism. We know that in today’s economy, money is tight for many consumers. With this said, we shouldn’t be wasting our tax dollars and spending it on things that aren’t absolutely necessary.

The New Year will bring with it a provincial election. There is no doubt that electricity prices and the governance of the industry will become a political issue. As this happens it is important for all involved to keep the ultimate goal in mind, working together to achieve a market design that is in the best interest of Albertans.

And what exactly IS best for Albertans?

A smart use of carbon tax dollars, and an end to subsidies being paid to guarantee the profit margins of big government regulated retailers like ENMAX, EPCOR, and Direct Energy.

Millions of dollars are being gifted to the big regulated utilities, but every utility and competitive retailer in the province offers non-regulated energy prices below the 6.8 cent cap. MLAs from both political parties can help their constituents with a simple message, it is time to get off the Regulated Rate Option. This will reduce the drain on the Carbon Tax bank account and it will save millions in subsides that are being wasted.

Consumers can help themselves lower their monthly utility bill just by switching off the RRO rate. Shop, compare and switch. If you love your current utility, then stay with them, just switch off their regulated rate over to their competitive rates, which are not being subsidized. Or, select from over 30 energy marketing companies in Alberta, all of which offer lower rates than the 6.8 cent government cap.

2019 is our chance to have a fresh start and work together for a common purpose. We encourage Premier Notley and Jason Kenny to shake hands and agree to help consumers understand how to save money and stop wasting Carbon Tax dollars.