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Frequently Asked Questions

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Electricity and Natural Gas retailers in Alberta are required to pay a Prudential charge to guarantee payment to the charges. Your investment in our prudential account allows us to keep our rates lower and continue to save you money on your electricity bill. The 5% interest per annum is credited to your monthly NewGen Energy bill and the Prudential is fully refundable should you choose to leave NewGen Energy.

No, if you do not have this information from your current bill, we can find it for you.


Yes, regulated rate (month to month) customers can switch over at any time.

If you have signed a long term contract, we encourage you to contact your current retailer/energy marketer to verify the cancellation process and to determine if there are any exit fees or penalties need to be paid, prior to switching to a new energy marketer or retailer.


No, services provided by competitive retailers. Energy marketers differ only by price and other contract features. The electricity or natural gas will continue to come to your home or business through the same network of wires or pipes no matter who you choose as an energy retailer or marketer.

By law, the local utility company is not allowed to provide different care levels to customers who have chosen an alternative supplier. You will continue to receive the same level of delivery quality, emergency response and meter reading from your current local utility.

If for some reason an energy marketer decided to abruptly end its services, then that company’s customers would automatically be enrolled with the regulated rate provider

We can service all communities in Alberta except for Medicine Hat and some Rural Electrification Associations (REA’s).

Still not sure if we service your area?

Contact our friendly local Customer Care team to find out.


There are no enrollment fees to choose us as your Energy Marketer.

Pre-authorized debit from a chequing account is our only method of payment.

This charge will appear on your bank statement as UTILNET-****-EL or UTILNET-****-NG

Our payment due dates are based on when your meter is read by the distribution company. The meter readings and consumption information is sent to us electronically and bills are produced with a payment date seven days after the billing date.

Our new Pick-a-Date program gives customers the ability to pick the date payment for their monthly invoices are withdrawn from their account. All electricity and natural gas customers can choose any day of the month (1st – 28th) or the last day of the month for their payment date (some conditions apply). If you are interested in taking advantage of this new program, contact our Customer Care team and they will help get you set up.

Yes, we provide paper bills at a monthly cost of $3.25

If you fall into one of these following groups, you can receive a free paper bill.

– Customers who self-identify as persons with disabilities

– Customers without home Internet access or mobile data services

– Seniors aged 65 or older

Electricity exported to the grid by small micro-generators, as defined under the Alberta Micro-Generation Regulation, is calculated based on meter read information provided by your distribution company.

The exported electricity meter data is processed on a monthly basis and will be included as a “MG credit” on your bill.

The credit will be calculated using the fixed or variable rate chosen by the customer for their imported energy.

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