Friends Don’t Let Friends Overpay for Electricity

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If you’re a residential customer on the Government’s Regulated Rate Option (RRO) and looking at your winter electricity bills, you’ve probably gotten a bit of a shock (no pun intended). The solution to lowering your monthly utility invoice is just one phone call away. It’s simple, easy, and it won’t cost you anything. AND you could save money today if you call.

You Don’t Even Have to Switch Retailers

If you’re on the government’s regulated rate and want to reduce your monthly utility bill, then a single phone call can get you off the RRO over to NewGen rates. You’ll save money immediately.

*Government RRO published rates January 2022.

RRO prices have surged in recent months and are now double what they were this time last year.

Source: Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)

No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

In 2016, the government announced the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) Rate Cap Program that “capped” the RRO at 6.8¢/kWh. Sounds like a good deal, right? It wasn’t a good idea, and here’s why the government should not do this again.

The “cap” was brought in to mitigate high prices. “So, what happened when the price of energy was above 6.8¢/kWh?” The government had to pay RRO providers the difference between the capped price and the cost. In reality, the cap was a subsidy. The RRO Rate Cap Program cost taxpayers $108 Million (pages 54-55), with an estimated total cost of $303 Million had it continued for the entire four years.

Let’s not go down this path again. NewGen Energy has a competitive and deregulated retail rate that beats the RRO hands down. If you’re on the RRO, you and hundreds of thousands of consumers in Alberta can immediately reduce your utility bills today simply by calling NewGen Energy to switch from their RRO over to our incredibly competitive rate. You’ll save money, and the government will not need to use tax dollars to subsidize utilities to falsely cater to individuals by implementing an expensive “cap” scheme.

The competitive rates offered by NewGen Energy compared to the January RRO will help you immediately save money on the cost of the electricity you consume.

There are many other options available, and we commend the Alberta Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) for the various advertising campaigns they are running to help consumers find lower prices. You can check out their list of competitive retailers by visiting their website.

Shop Local

Of course, as a LOCAL and independent retailer in Alberta, we at NewGen Energy offer competitive rates that are lower than the government RRO. We have customers in over 400 Alberta communities, and we welcome the opportunity to help you switch off the RRO. Visit us today!

It’s time to join the 60% of Alberta customers who have chosen competitive rates to save money on electricity.