Control Your Energy Destiny!

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If you do not have a fixed term electricity contract and you use 600 kWhr’s of electricity in July, you will pay $114.00 more than if you have a contract through NewGen Energy.

Alberta electricity consumers have several options to buy electricity but up to 40% ignore their chance to control pricing. The Alberta government has designated a small handful of electricity retailers to sell electricity at premium prices to consumers that do not have a fixed price term agreement. This plan is called the Regulated Rate Option (RRO).

If you used 600 kWhr’s in July, the electricity portion of your bill will be $168. If you had selected a fixed term rate with NewGen, your July electricity consumption would have only cost you $53.00. That is whopping saving of $114.00.

If the pricing spread for the last 12 months is combined, you would have saved $1,000 during the year.

The cost of ignoring your electricity bill is pulling hundreds of dollars directly out of your bank account every year. 2023 is a high mark in electricity pricing and if you are not paying attention to it, those costs will eat up your hard-earned savings in record time.

If you are one of the 40%, your cost for electricity can be as much as 3 ½ times more than the fixed term rate with NewGen Energy during the last 12 months.

Inflation is slowly eating away at your hard earned savings account. Do not let electricity pricing control you!

NewGen Energy gives you the chance to control your destiny.