
Understanding Alberta’s Electricity Market – Part 1

Wholesale Prices and the Merit Stack To help consumers better understand Alberta’s energy market, we approached a friend in the industry, Matt Ayres, and asked him to help lay the foundational...

Part 2 – Understanding Alberta’s Electricity Market

April 15, 2021 In this mini blog series, we will shed light on the inner workings of the Alberta electricity market so that you understand where your charges are coming from and how to approach your...

Understanding Alberta’s Electricity Market – Part 3

In this mini blog series, we will shed light on why the cost of energy charged by Alberta generators doubled in recent months. Generators earned an extra billion dollars compared to the same time...

Recycling turbine blades: the Achilles heel of wind power

For some, wind turbines are extraordinary pieces of technology and the answer to our energy needs. For others they are a blot on the landscape and a threat to biodiversity. One thing is for sure. A...

Global Warming Current Status: Full Review

February 19, 2021 5 min read Global Warming Current Status: Full Review When looking at information involving global warming, many might find the data misleading or inaccurate. The internet is a...

How to win big for the climate: rein in the ‘super polluters’

Just 5% of the world’s power plants account for almost three-quarters of carbon emissions from electricity generation. A crackdown on a limited number of ‘hyper-emitting’ power plants could yield...

Understanding Alberta’s Electricity Market – Part 4

August 5, 2021 Throughout this mini blog series, we have shed light on the inner workings of the Alberta electricity market so that consumers hopefully better understand the charges on their...

Varcoe: Soaring power prices in Alberta jolt consumers, spark consternation

Chris Varcoe, Calgary Herald, August 14 2021 Alberta power prices are on track to hit their highest average level in more than two decades, jolting businesses and consumers into searching for ways to...